Raphaël Vasco

Fialho Mascarenhas de Carvalho

oempa oempa weeeeh 2023-03-31-oempa-oempa-weee - 2023 03 31 oempa oempa weee 131954

Daddy and I have a little game when he picks me up from school. He sits me on his shoulders and then he goes hopping and says  ” oempa oempa oempa ” and then he pretends to let me fall while saying “Weeeeeh” … I love that game and want to repeat it all the way home. Daddy gets tired, but does it every time.


Out for lunch

It’s fun at school. Today we all went out for lunch at the restaurant of one of my colleague’s parents. Some of us helped in the kitchen, some helped set the tables. There were some parents too. Dad shot a lot of pictures. He always shoots a lot of pictures. We had spaghetti and a lot of fun. Then we went back to school.


Storytime with mommy 2023-03-09-sorytime-with-mommy - 2023 03 09 sorytime with mommy 3437

Mommy and I have our night-night ritual. She reads to me every night, sings me a song or two, and then lays me to bed with my bottle of warm milk.


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